Sunday, June 7, 2009


We are over at my mom's almost everyday swimming!!!! Butch and Rocky are my little fish and absolutley love it! Here is a picture of my boys swimming at Grandma's. Butch's new favorite thing is to hold on to you and you swim from one end of the pool to the other. So he was having a fun time with daddy!

Now Here are pictures of my little man Rocky. We took the ISR swimming lessons again this year and Rocky did so well. He did it for 4 weeks and can now float on his back and turn over in the water back on to his back. One of these days I will post the video of him. It just takes my computer to long sometimes. Mrs. Becki did an awesome job and she is the best instructer out there. I have more pictures I will post later of swimming with mrs. Becki.

Another picture of my little man in his Fishermans hat. Don't you just love his fat rolls?


Bobby and Shanna said...

How fun that they are little fishes. Way cool too, that your Mom has a pool. Be safe though

Nanna said...

That's so awesome that they love the water! I wish we, or one of our family member owned a pool... But hey, I was wondering if you could tell me more about the swimming lesson your boys had. Who, where, how long (each lesson), how much etc... I want my boys to take lessons this summer (if it's not too late to schedule) and I know my mother in-law wants couple of her younger boys to take lessons too. Please give me some info if you have time!!! I hope you don't mind me sending you an email to the address I have from doing the RS newsletter a while back. It's your hotmail one... Thanks a lot!!!!

Krissa said...

How fun! They are so so cute!

Kara said...

That is SO crazy to see little Rocky just floating like that! Ive only seen that once before on youtube. Its amazing that babies can learn to do that. Is it crazy expensive for those kind of lessons?

Melody said...

Hey you! I didn't even know you had a blog until I saw it on Nanna's a minute ago! It looks like you've had one for a while now, too. I swear, you are hiding so many talents from me! :) Looks like you've been having fun this summer, and Rocky is amazing!