Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Arrival Story of Duke Cutler Verenski

Well I am going to start at the beginning. Just a warning this is going to be a long post. I went to the Dr. on my due date which was Wendsday Jan. 19th and I was dialated to a 3. I was bummed! He looked at the induction spots the hospital had opened and they were all booked up until Saturday morning at 3. So we went ahead and took that. He said he would strip my membranes and we could see what happens most likley I would go to the hospital that night. So I said sure lets do it. He had stripped my membranes the week before and I got some good contractions but then they went away. and by the way when he strips your membranes it HURTS!!! But anyway we went away thinking we werent gonna have this little guy until Saturday. We went to my moms to get the boys and she was going to go walking with the neighbor Ammie Manis so they invited me along to see if it does anything. We walked about 2-3 miles...  my stomach would get hard but  no contrations. But as soon as I got home they started. It was about 7 PM and we were timing the contractions at 4 min apart. With Butch and Rocky I was induced so when I started getting contractions I got the epidural so this was way different for me. I didn't know when to go to the hospital or anything. But anyway they were 4 min apart for about an hour then they went to 7 min apart then 10 then they went to 3 then 5 but by this time it was midnight and James and I decided to head to the hospital. We dropped the boys off at my moms and went I was still getting contractions. We get there and she checks me and says i am about a 3 1/2. I was so mad! I thought for sure they were gonna send me home. But she said they were gonna keep me there for 40 min and see if I progress any and if I do they will keep me. She checked me 40 min later and I was at a 4 . So they kept me. They took me to labor and delivery and got me all set up. My water had not broken and whenever they would check me this little boy would move his head he would also move around so they would have to constantley come in and move the heart moniter thingy on my belly. I got the epideral at like 3 AM . The nurse came in and checked me at about 5 AM and I was at a 7 . Dr. Beck came and broke my water at about 8:30 AM. Now I was starting to feel some contractions and Duke's heart rate would drop every contraction I had. So they had to put a thing on his head to moniter his heart rate and the nurse said the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck. I started crying! I have had a hard pregnancy and now something was gonna be wrong with my baby. The nurse checked me and said you are at a 10 so they called Dr. Beck and I had the little guy at 8:57 AM. He did have the cord around his neck but he is ok.
Dr. Beck- aka the best Dr. Ever!!!!! -

  He wieghed in at 6 pnds 3 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long. Just a little guy! He is my smallest baby yet!

  Daddy mommy and baby! I was so tired and was not feeling so hot after he was born so don't mind me!
  i love this little boy!
 My mom and dad brought the boys up to meet there little bro. Rocky absolutley loves him! He says that he is HIS BABY! Not Mommies! He is so funny.

 Mommy and her three boys! I love these guys!
  Our Family of 5! We can't have a family picture without at least one of them crying. This time we got 2!
  Big Brother Butch and baby Duke!
 Grandpa with his 7th grandchild!
 James Rocky and Duke!
 I love my family and I am so happy I get to be a mommy! Happy Birthday Duke Cutler! We love you!


The Kleyn Family said...

Once again, I am jealous. I want to be in labor dang it! I glad it all went smooth. Your boys, all three, are so darn cute! Congrats to you and James :)

The Curry Family said...

He is SO cute, Jo!! And, I think Duke fits him perfectly :) So happy for your family of five!

Laura Blue said...

Congrats! Glad he arrived safe and you are all doing well. Looks like he will be getting plenty of love from his older brothers! Can't wait to see more pics! Congrats again to your cute little family!

dustyperle said...

Wow what a long night for you. So glad everything went well. I loved reading your story and brought back a few memories of my own. I can't wait to see more pictures of him when he isn't hours old, They seem to change so fast. How fun that you have all these boys to take care of you!!! Hope you are loving being a mommy of three!!!