It hasn't been three months and I am updating!!! Can you believe it? I got a comment from my friend Ellee to fix my background. I had Butch in here with me and he say the Tractor one so he made me do it. He loves Tractors. Thanks Ellee for telling me were to go . Well for mothers day butch gave me a coupon that is good for a free "pickup" (when he makes a mess he sings pick up pick up) and James got me a Q-T gift card. My Favorite place for a soda. Vinalla with a little bit of Dr Pepper. Butch wanted to wear his Future Missionary Badge to church. He was so proud of that thing. Doesnt he just look so cute? I took some more pictures of him for Forrest so we can let him know we think about him always. Then on Mothers Day we went to my parents land in Queen Creek that they just bought because my dad had Arigation (i think I spelt that wrong sorry) Butch and Lindsey had so much fun. Luckley they have some pretty cool aunts who got in there with them. Butch loves his aunt Calli. He asks for her everyday. For some reason he calls her Guppy. I think he is trying to say Calli.
While we were walking back to the house we found a frog. Butch wasnt sure was to do about it. He was scared of it.
Here is a picture of Heather with the two kids. What a great aunt!!!
Grandma Rogers
7 years ago